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Bilberry Extract

Latin name:
Vaccinium myrtillus
• 25% Anthocyanidins (UV)
• 36% Anthocyanin (HPLC)
Part Used:
• The fruits of Vaccinium myrtillus
• cGMP, ISO22000, HACCP, FSSC22000, Kosher, Halal

1. Description of Vaccinium Myrtillus Extract

Bilberry Extract is the fruits extract of Vaccinium myrtillus. It is free flowing powder with characteristic odor and taste. Widely used in health care products, dietary supplements, food additives, functional drinks fields.

Bilberry plant is  a low deciduous shrub that grows slowly. Plant height 15~60cm, the berry's color is dark blue to black purple,Mature in July to August, about 1 cm in diameter. Bilberry are native to North Europe,  also cultivated in Central and Eastern Europe, it grows in acidic, poor soil, mostly in forest and wasteland,mainly grows in Europe, Russia, northern Asia, North America (USA and Canada) and the Alps at an altitude of 1500-2000m. Wild bilberry grows in abundance in Scandinavia (Norway). This fruit is a kind of northern European folk edible fruit, has a history of more than 100 years, is the world fruit in the rise of the very attention of the small fruit varieties.

Bilberry is often confused with the Blueberry. In fact, they are two species of the same family and genus, with many differences in plant and fruit morphology. Bilberry fruit is smaller than blueberry, but the flavor is more intense; The fruit is darker than the blueberry, dark purple; Blueberries have green flesh, while bilberries have red or purple flesh. Blueberry fruits are acervate, while Bilberry fruits  is usually single or distichous, and Bilberry's fruit is soft and juicy, damaged will lead to the degradation of the active ingredient anthocyanin, so it is not easy to transport, the price of fresh fruit is often high, frozen European bilberry can be stored all year bilberry extract-Acetarcheap bilberry extractpure bilberry extract manufacturer-Acetar
